COVID update for week ending Oct 8th Number of students 831 Number of staff 116 Number of positive cases Less than 5 Number of quarantine 19
almost 3 years ago, Corning School Dist. Tech
Park Elementary Homecoming Activities
almost 3 years ago, Corning School Dist. Tech
Park Activies
COVID 19 update for week ending October 1st. Total students. 831 Total staff. 119 Positive cases. 0 Total quarantined. 13
almost 3 years ago, Corning School Dist. Tech
COVID Update for week of September 24th Number of Students 831 Number of Staff 116 Active Positive Cases Fewer than 5 Total Quarantine 32
almost 3 years ago, Corning School Dist. Tech
Attention Parents: Posted on our website is a letter from our Superintendent explaining vandalism happening on our school campus. Please follow the link here or go to the website and look in the documents section.
almost 3 years ago, Corning School Dist. Tech
tiktok letter
ATTENTION: Due to COVID-19, Friday night's game against Osceola has been cancelled..
almost 3 years ago, Corning School Dist. Tech
COVID update for week ending 9-17 Total Students --- 831 Total Staff --- 116 Active Positive Cases --- 9 Total Quarantine --- 36
almost 3 years ago, Corning School Dist. Tech
Attention Parents: New COVID numbers as of 9-10-21 Total Students --- 833 Total Staff --------- 116 Active Cases ----- 10 Total Quarantine -- 52
almost 3 years ago, Corning School Dist. Tech
COVID Numbers as of 9/3/21 Total Students number -- 830 Total Staff -- 116 Active Cases -- 21 Total Quarantined -- 117
almost 3 years ago, Corning School Dist. Tech
Here also is a copy of the Temporary Mask Policy. Please see attached
almost 3 years ago, Corning School Dist. Tech
temp mask
temp mask 2
Corning School is going to a Temporary Mask Policy. Please read attached letter or view it on the school's website.
almost 3 years ago, Corning School Dist. Tech
Mask Policy
Corning Odyssey of the Mind Boosters are gearing up for a PAWPRINT EXTRAVAGANZA!!!!! Personalized pawprints will only be painted on Bobcat Lane!!! Please remember this is meant to be a yearly fundraiser, so all existing paws will be repainted. Paws may be purchased for $50 each and include the name of a business or student/family name (player’s #’s may be added). Road grade paint and industrial stencils will be used. Projected completion date is mid-October. ALL ORDERS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN Tuesday, September 14th. The PawPrint form is attached and will also be sent home with students this Friday. Thanks for the support!!! Go BOBCATS!!!!
almost 3 years ago, Corning School Dist. Tech
Pawprint order form
Free Backpacks!!!!!! 1st Choice Healthcare Thursday August 12th From 12-2pm First 50 Kids
almost 3 years ago, Corning School Dist. Tech
Backpack days photo
Exciting News from the Corning School District! All students will receive FREE breakfast and lunch this school year! To ensure no loss of funding, it will be imperative that all student lunch forms be completed and returned by August 20th.
about 3 years ago, Corning School Dist. Tech
The Corning School District is proud to announce that all basic school supplies will be provided by the district this year. If students choose to purchase their own supplies, the district-provided supplies can be donated back to the school for future student needs. Further details will be provided at the District Meet and Greet scheduled for August 9th at 6 p.m. at the Community Center. Thank you to the CSD School Board for supporting and encouraging this initiative.
about 3 years ago, Corning School Dist. Tech
Message from the new Superintendent J Woolard.
about 3 years ago, Corning School Dist. Tech
meeting schedule
Attn Parents All children ages 11 as of 9-01-2021 must have a TDAP Immunization and before entering the 7th grade have a TDAP and a MCV4. Children who are age 16 on 9-01-21 must have MCV4 Immunization. Please have your child's immunizations up to date when school starts. Thanks, Ms. Ruth Ann, Corning Middle and High School Nurse
about 3 years ago, Corning School Dist. Tech
Blood Drive June 8th at First National Bank Please support from 12 to 4
about 3 years ago, Corning School Dist. Tech
Blood Drive flyer
Attn Parents: Thursday, May 27th will be our last day of the 2020-2021 school year. That day has been designated as an assessment day for targeted students who we feel may have suffered specific learning loss from multiple quarantine days or lack of consistent access during the remote learning. If you are not contacted by your child's principal or counselor, then your student is not required to attend on Thursday. If your child will be assessed on that day and you need transportation, please contact the school so we can ensure a bus is scheduled for pickup. At this time, we plan to run adjusted bus routes on that day. Please contact the school if you have any questions.
about 3 years ago, Corning School Dist. Tech
Attention Parents --- We just wanted to let you know the Pfizer vaccine is approved for ages 16 years and up, Several other schools are asking for the vaccine for that age group. It is available from Goodman Drug.
about 3 years ago, Corning School Dist. Tech